All Mark Attwood Show links here: https://linktr.ee/MarkAttwoodShow
Here's the censored bit: https://www.bitchute.com/video/YfaVJBnSPUes/
The Mel K Show: https://themelkshow.com/
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My Online Poetry Collection: https://linktr.ee/MarkAttwoodPoetry
My Telegram Channel: https://t.me/MarkAttwoodShow
My Amazing Online Courses:
“How to Monetize What’s Already in Your Head, Create a New Income Stream and become Sovereign Quickly” (5 star ratings): https://tmas.tv/MarksSovereignCourses
My Bitchute Channel: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/4tLO4FDtgyFY/
Become a Patreon here (support the Show with a monthly donation): https://www.patreon.com/markattwood
Make a one-off donation if you feel like I deserve it (no pressure): https://paypal.me/markattwoodshow
Published by Me:
My Simple and Powerful Guide to Manifestation and the Law of Attraction: https://tmas.tv/ManifestWithMark
TRUMPOLOGY with Tom Numbers. The essential guide to Numerology: https://tmas.tv/TrumpologyWithTomNumbers
The Awakening of a Shamanic Heyoka Empath: https://tmas.tv/Heyoka
9 Simple Steps for Detecting Negative Entities by Leeowen Barnes
6 Simple Steps for Removing Negative Entities from your Energetic Body: https://tmas.tv/RemoveNegativeEntities
My Product Recommendations:
1. Heavy METALS in your body are a MASSIVE problem for all of us. Pure Body Zeolite is AMAZING for removing these! The link to learn more and to buy some (with 82% OFF) is here: https://tmas.tv/ZeoliteDetox
2. Grounding (connecting to the Earth) is one of the best things you can do for your health and this company does it best: https://bit.ly/GroundingWithMark
3. Use code MARKATTWOOD20 to get 20% OFF the world’s best Iodine here: https://tmas.tv/iodineoffer
4. Cleanse and Nourish your body with the world’s best activation products (Use code MARKATTWOOD20 to get 20% OFF): https://tmas.tv/ActivationProducts
5. Create Pure, High Frequency Electrolysed Reduced Water at home: https://bit.ly/HighVibeWater-5
6. The world’s best tuning forks for frequency healing, chakra cleansing and spiritual health: https://tmas.tv/TuningForks4Health
7. Stop Negative Thinking with this: http://tmas.tv/StopNegativeThinking
8. Tesla BioHealing Device: https://tmas.tv/TeslaBioHealing
9. Self Defence for Beginners: https://digitaldefence.samcart.com/products/patriots-self-defence-course-for-beginners
10. Healthy Sugar (really): https://tmas.tv/SugaVida
11. Ennora Binaural Beats are special meditation music recordings that entrain your brain for better health and wellbeing https://tmas.tv/binaural
12. You need EMF Protection: https://bit.ly/MarksEMFProtec
13. 10% discount off Stargate Pyramids - Portals to the Cosmos - Amazing Healing Devices - use THIS code "Attwood10%": https://bit.ly/Stargates-5
14. Protect Your Online Privacy with the VPN I use: https://tmas.tv/MarksVPN