Topic Covered
|teacher transfer|Swapan mondal|wbbse|general transfer order of teachers in west bengal|mutual transfer of assistant teacher|transfer|special ground transfer|iosms teacher profile update|iosms|mutual|Primary teacher transfer|high school teacher transfer|non teaching staff transfer|swapan mondal sir|Swapan mandal|online Transfer and Online General|swapan mandal mutual transfer|special ground transfer|own motion transfer|administrative transfer|general transfer on special ground|utsoshree|utshasree scheme for online teacher transfer portal||teacher transfer online application 2021|utsoshree|utsashree portal|utsashree|উৎসশ্রী|noc|উৎসশ্রী পোর্টাল|
|Notification for forwarding transfer application even though it is a school of Zero Enrollment|Notice issued with the list on how to apply for General Transfer on Medical Ground to Medical Verification CMOH|New notification regarding transfer of "Utsashree" portal from West Bengal School Education Department|When will the revised gazetted notification of "Utsashree" portal be issued with rules?|
|How to correct the transfer application form in "Utsashree" portal if it is wrong in form fill up?|What kind of court case can apply for utsashree portal transfer? |When is the transfer application closed on the "Utsashree" portal and when is the transfer list published?|When will the transfer application be closed?|online general transfer and online mutual transfer and special ground transfer list publish and Intra District for Circle Transfer and Inter District for district Transfer of primary teacher and high school teacher and non teaching staff|Transfer Vacancy Problems and Section Problems in Transfer and Transfer of HS Teachers and Junior High School Teachers and Multiple Online Mutual Transfers|Score or number or marks of transfer portal|Will the primary teachers who joined in 2021 be transferred?|changes regarding the transfer of special school teachers and the issuance and exemption of NOC or no objection certificate?|who will get 10% teacher transfer in the school?|considering applying for General Transfer on the basis of PP system and Post Sanction module in transfer and distance only or priority only?|reservation rule in transfer|Distance Certificates|thinking about the pending cases for online mutual transfer of high school teachers?|Swapan Mandal Sir gave information from the officials of West Bengal School Education Department at Bikash Bhawan|
|noc|Special Ground Transfer list|Online Mutual Transfer|District Transfer|Circle Transfer| Intra District Transfer|Inter District Transfer|primary teacher circle transfer|primary teacher intra district transfer|primary teacher inter district transfer|primary teacher mutual transfer|wbchse|primary transfer news|primary teacher transfer latest news|primary teacher|transfer news|mutual transfer of primary school teacher|general transfer|online mutual transfer|iosms mutual transfer|mutual transfer of primary school teacher|primary teacher transfer|primary school teacher transfer|online transfer application for teachers|teacher transfer latest news|teacher transfer online application|teacher transfer latest news| primary transfer news|primary transfer|teacher transfer online application 2021|wb primary teacher transfer news|district transfer|primary teacher mutual transfer|online teacher transfer|teachers transfer 2021|high school teacher transfer|wb primary teacher transfer 2021|primary teacher transfer news|primary transfer news|how to apply for mutual transfer|special transfer for wb school teacher|mutual transfer portal|wb mutual transfer|teacher transfer online application 2021|teacher transfers 2021|special transfer for wb school teachers|wb primary teacher transfer news|primary teacher transfer|primary teacher transfer 2021|teacher transfer|special ground transfer list 2021|transfer|teacher transfer news today||distance certificate|primary teacher transfer latest news|transfer news update|teacher transfer|mutual|general|special|inter district|idistance certificate|wb|pp|
|প্রাথমিক শিক্ষক|হাই স্কুল শিক্ষক শিক্ষাকর্মী| বদলি|জেনারেল ট্রান্সফার|মিউচুয়াল ট্রানস্ফার|স্পেশাল গ্রাউন্ড ট্রানস্ফার|ইন্ট্রা ডিস্ট্রিক্ট|সার্কেল ট্রানস্ফার| ইন্টার ডিস্ট্রিক্ট|জেলা ট্রানস্ফার|স্বপন মন্ডল স্যার|#eduarun#mutualtransfer#generaltransfer#utshasreeschene#utshasreetransferportal#specialground#wbdistrict_transfer#teacher_transfer#education#transfer#wb#secondary_teacher#mutual_transfer#general_transfer#specialground_transfer#district_transfer#secondaryteacher_transfer#interdistrict_transfer#intradistrict_transfer#tgt#bgta#westbengal#passteacher#graduateteacher#postgraduate_teacher#secondaryteacher#recommendation#upperprimary_teacher#nonteachingstaff_transfer#teachertransfer#wbbse#swapanmondal#vacancy#wbssc#primary_transfer#wbbse#wb#mt#gt#iosms#bratya_basu#mamata_banerjee#utsoshree#transferporal#utsashree#উৎসশ্রী#utsashreeportal#utshasree#noc#distancecertificate#transfertraining#distancecertifate#medicalverification#cmoh#wb