Why IK abruptly ended his March; Estab extremely disappointed from IK | Ansar Abbasi | AAVIEWS |

Why IK abruptly ended his March; Estab extremely disappointed from IK | Ansar Abbasi | AAVIEWS |

Why IK abruptly ended his March; Estab extremely disappointed from IK | Ansar Abbasi | AAVIEWS | #AnsarAbbasi #longMarch #imrankhan #establishment #upset #IKwenthome #banigala #why? #SupremeCourt #aaviews #Imrankhanprotest #sitin #Dchowk #protesters #shelling #distruction #ptisupporters
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why imran khan abruptly ended his long march and went home to banigalaestablishment is highly angry and disappointed with Imran Khan and his actionsimran khan long march to D-chowk and its end?

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