The ridiculous "ballot audit" that took place in Arizona this year may have proven that Biden actually received even MORE votes than we thought, but that doesn't mean it didn't give Republicans exactly what they wanted. According to new polling, Republicans actually believe that the audit showed that Biden likely "stole" the state, even though that is the opposite of what happened. They cast doubt on the results, and it worked with their incredibly gullible followers, as Farron Cousins explains.
Link - https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/11/15/arizona-audit-republicans-monmouth-poll/
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Even though the Arizona ballot audit actually gave Joe Biden more votes than he had to begin with and prove that the election was not in fact stolen from Donald Trump and Maricopa county. It still ended up giving Republicans exactly what they wanted. And we know that because of a new poll, a new Monmouth university poll has shown that a 62% of Republicans believe that either the audit did find significant reason to doubt Biden's victory or that it probably found that 62% of Republicans think that the audit did the exact opposite of what the audit actually did.
So here we have this reality that was reinforced. Okay. Biden one, Arizona audit comes along, reinforces Biden, one Arizona in 62% of Republicans, a majority look at those two realities that are one in the same, actually. And they say, huh, I guess that means Trump won. What's how D how do you, how do you, how do you even process that? How do you even try to convince these people? Otherwise they now have all of the data, and instead they're buying into the propaganda, which is what Republicans have been selling. Cause even Donald Trump came out and said, see this proofs we won, oh, it didn't. This is crazy. We're living in crazy town USA at this point. And crazy town is at this point, pretty much the entirety of the United States because Republicans are rejecting reality. But that was the ultimate goal of this. You know, Greg Sargent writing for the Washington post pointed this out in a recent op-ed. That was the point. The point was never to actually overturn the election because nobody in a real position of power thought that would ever happen. Like we all know the crazy Republican mega hat wearing base. They thought that would happen. But the rest of them, they knew that wasn't going to happen, but it was never the goal. The goal was to spread the doubt. The goal was to make people think it was possible, because if you think something's possible, then it's easier for you to believe that it happened.
Let me give you an example of what this is. If you take somebody that does not believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life, and you try to convince them that you've been abducted by aliens, they're not going to believe you, but if you take somebody that does already believe that extra terrestrials exist and you claim you've been abducted, they are far more likely obviously to believe that it's possible because not only are they already halfway there to believing it,
But when you push them that little extra, like, yeah, yeah, it's totally real. By the way, I was also abducted, they say, oh, wow, I guess that further proves my theory then. And that's what this was. That's what Republicans did. And that's not meant as a dig in any way on people who believe in extraterrestrial life. I think the possibility that something's not out there is, you know, ridiculous. There's too much. There's definitely something. But anyway, that was the goal to create the doubt and then defeat it and then to push it a little further each and every time that's the process moving forward now. So even though those results showed that Biden had a bigger margin of victory than we originally thought, a majority of Republicans think it did the exact opposite and prove that he somehow stole the state of Arizona. That's what Republicans wanted. They weren't trying to overturn it. They were just trying to convince Republicans that stealing an election for the Democrats is possible and that they need to be on guard for it. And by God, they are going to be on guard in 2022. And they're already putting the pieces in place as I've previously explained, to make sure that if anybody steals an election, it's going to be the Republicans.