Opening the two of the 10 Arcane Capsule plus Arcane Inventor's Grab Bag bundle for 7500rp
This bundle is available for the RiotxArcane 2021 Worlds Event for the premiere of their Netflix show Arcane.
00:00 Intro
00:59 Giveaway Winners
01:28 Capsule Opening
05:40 Grab Bag Opening
06:23 Gemstones, Masterwork & Hextech Chests
07:47 Honor Level 5 Orbs
08:44 Rerolling 74 Shards
15:25 Legendary Skins & Orange Essence
16:29 Skin Collection
Opening bonus loot which includes capsules, eternals, masterwork chests, hextech chests and gemstones.
Rerolling skin shards, getting 4 legendary skin shards. Star Guardian Jinx, Gatekeeper Galio, Battle Academia Caitlyn, Aether Wing Kayle
New League of Legends Worlds 2021 Event Pass. New LoL Event Release for Esports Worlds and Dragonmancer
New League of Legends Worlds Event 2021 Orb Opening, opening LoL loot, Gemstones, Masterwork and Hextech Chests, Eternals capsule. These rewards will be similar to the new dawnbringer and nightbringer event. Also stay tuned for esports worlds capsule rewards or watch rewards for free loot
Announcing the giveaway winners for the Fortnite Jinx Skin
Information about free capsule drops can be found on my previous videos. Details:
New Arcane Progress Days Mission is avaiable via the Riot x Arcane website. Complete quest quickly to earn rewards for LoL, Valorant, Wild Rift and Legends of Runeterra
Claim your free Arcane Capsule Drop by watching the Arcane Riot Netflix TV Show Premiere November 6th, 16th or Episode 2 and 3 premieres. Arcane start time and drop rewards. Drops are available on Arcane.com or Twitch. Link you League of Legends account to claim
This is for the new Riot X Arcane Event launching on Netflix. Plenty of free watch rewards and drops throughout. Claim on Twitch or through the arcane website on November 6th
Arcane Vi and Arcane Jayce skins coming to League of Legends, with Caitlyn and Jinx skins also expected to be revealed soon
Arcane is the name of the upcoming animated Netflix show which launches on November 7th 2021.
Based on the world behind League of Legends, Arcane dives into the ‘delicate balance between the rich city of Piltover and the seedy underbelly of Zaun’.
Yesterday, Riot Games announced that the animated TV series Arcane will be open for co-streaming exclusively on Twitch.
Claim 4 free Arcane skins for Jinx, Jayce, Caitlyn and Vi by completing the 2021 Arcane Worlds Event. New Event no pass required.
Riot are giving away free skins and champions which you can convert into blue essence for the essence emporium
Portugese viewers:
Abrindo 10, 20 Cápsulas Arcane e 1, 2 Saco de Brindes Invenção Arcana no Lol Opening Arcane Capsules
As Novas Cápsulas Arcane já estão disponíveis no Lol! Nesse vídeo fiz a abertura de 10, 20 Cápsulas Arcane (Arcane Capsules), onde dei bastante sorte conseguindo, 5 Skin Lendária e muitas Skins Épicas no League of Legends. No Saco de Brindes Invenção Arcana vem 2 Fragmentos de Skin de Campeões presentes na série Arcane E 1 Fragmento de Skin de 1.350 RP ou menos. Chance bônus de 2 Fragmentos de Skin adicionais de Campeões presentes na série Arcane (10%).
Some viewers seem to be Russian. Search this for help: Бесплатная Arcane Capsule с 3 СКИНАМИ! УСПЕЙ ЗАБРАТЬ ХАЛЯВУ ОТ RIOT GAMES
And if Greek this might help: στο βιντεο αυτο θα δειτε πως να παρετε ευκολα και γρηγορα ενα ΔΩΡΕΑΝ Arcane Capsule το οποιο περιεχει 3 random skin shards και ενα Icon... εσεις τι σκινς τυχατε;
and Korean: 아케인 캡슐깡 ["무료"로 1개 얻는 법 고
Video mostrando como pegar a capsula arcane e outras recompensas da visual novel de arcane de forma rápida
Romanian viewers:
Videoclip care arată cum să obțineți rapid capsula arcană și alte recompense de roman vizual arcane
Serbian: 20 Арцане Цапсулес + 2 Инвентор'с Граб Баг | Риот к Арцане Орб Опенинг | Леагуе оф Легендс | Лол
Lithuanian: 20 Arcane kapsulių + 2 išradėjo rankinė | Riot x Arcane Orb atidarymas | Legendų lyga | Daug juoko
German: 20 Arkane Kapseln + 2 Grabbeutel des Erfinders | Riot x Arkane Kugel-Öffnung | League of Legends | Lol
Hungarian: 20 Arcane kapszula + 2 Inventor's Grab Bag | Riot x Arcane Orb megnyitása | League of Legends | LoL
This is available on all regions and countries that have the official Riot servers :)
#leagueoflegends #lol