Fox Guest Compares Poor People To Dogs Who Are Only Obedient When They're Hungry

Fox Guest Compares Poor People To Dogs Who Are Only Obedient When They're Hungry

A Fox News guest this past week may have accidentally let the cat out of the bag when he said that poor people have it too good by receiving extended unemployment benefits, then drew a parallel to military dogs who are only obedient to commands when they are hungry. This is what the Right wants for America - a country so starving and desperate that they will do anything their masters ask them to do. Farron Cousins discusses this.

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During a segment this past week, uh, Fox news guests, Jon Taffer, who also happens to be the host of bar rescue gave an interview where he compared poor people in the United States to dogs who are only obedient. And when they're starving,

Here's the clip

Of Mr. Taffer from bar rescue, making these claims. Take a look. What I'm getting

From this segment is that Mr. Taffer believes that we should

Make Americans starving or desperate. It doesn't necessarily have to be physical hunger, but some kind of desperation make it to where they're always in need of something in order to keep them obedient so that they will continue to work poverty wages. Now, as I've said, many, many times what happened during this pandemic with the expense, uh, expanded, excuse me, unemployment benefits here in the United States is that some people finally got a taste of what it's like to have enough money, not to be wealthy, not to have all this money to go spend on extravagant things, but to have enough, enough to feed yourself enough, to maybe pay rent enough, to maybe afford a trip to the doctor and get your prescriptions for a brief moment. These people finally got a taste of what it's like to not struggle as much cause they were still struggling. Let's let's be clear about

That. And now you

Get this buffoon out there. This Taffer fella

Coming and saying, uh, military dogs

Are only obedient when they're starving. So maybe, maybe we got to stop feeding these people so much to hell with this guy. For real like this, this, this, this infuriates

Me. I'm almost at a loss for words, because I'm so off at hearing what this

had to say, but see that's how these wealthy people, you know, whether it's Taffer, whether it's Laura Ingram, whether it's anybody at Fox news or the talking heads on the right or the wealthy corporate masters,

This is how they feel. They

Want to keep people just starving enough

To where they'll do whatever

Their master says, whatever it was, corporate masters, tell them to do they know they're going to do it because they don't have another choice. They have to get fed. And that is the parallel that Mr. Taffer was trying to make. That's the point he was trying to say without having to outright come out and say it. If you're going to be a big enough man, to go on national television and make these claims, John, I suggest you do it like a man and you come out and you say exactly what you mean.

You're a pathetic little coward thought

You were being so creative with your little metaphor without having to say what you meant. Just say it, just say it because we all know what you're saying. We all know what you're thinking. You want Americans desperate. You want them to work for poverty wages because that's the only way you can feel like you have any real power over these people.

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