#codeforces #WonderfulColoring1
This problem is an extension of the problem "Wonderful Coloring - 1". It has quite many differences, so you should read this statement completely.
Recently, Paul and Mary have found a new favorite sequence of integers a1,a2,…,an. They want to paint it using pieces of chalk of k colors. The coloring of a sequence is called wonderful if the following conditions are met:
each element of the sequence is either painted in one of k colors or isn't painted;
each two elements which are painted in the same color are different (i. e. there's no two equal values painted in the same color);
let's calculate for each of k colors the number of elements painted in the color — all calculated numbers must be equal;
the total number of painted elements of the sequence is the maximum among all colorings of the sequence which meet the first three conditions.
E. g. consider a sequence a=[3,1,1,1,1,10,3,10,10,2] and k=3. One of the wonderful colorings of the sequence is shown in the figure.
The example of a wonderful coloring of the sequence a=[3,1,1,1,1,10,3,10,10,2] and k=3. Note that one of the elements isn't painted.
Help Paul and Mary to find a wonderful coloring of a given sequence a.