StudyIQ is here to help in your preparation with:
UPSC IAS LIVE Foundation Last Batch
Admissions closing on 31st October'22 |
Hurry Enrol Now : https://bit.ly/3DzzQ1k
UPSC Civil Services Examination is the most prestigious exam in the country. It is important to lay a comprehensive and strong General Studies foundation for the exam. Both Prelims and Mains can’t be cleared without a strong Foundation. Time is running out and seats are limited for the batch.
UPSC IAS (Pre + Mains) LIVE Foundation Weekend Batch
Batch Admissions closing on 5th November'22 |
Hurry Enrol Now : https://bit.ly/3qFzLlj
Optional Papers are an important component of the Mains examination. Without good score in Optionals, it is difficult to get a good rank. Increase your chances of scoring 300+ in optionals.
UPSC IAS (Mains) LIVE Optional Batches : https://bit.ly/3DrHsmw
UPSC IAS (Mains) LIVE PSIR Optional Batch 3
Batch Starting on 25th November '22 |
To know more visit : https://bit.ly/3Nu0mfT
UPSC IAS (Mains) LIVE Sociology Optional Batch 2
Admissions Closing on 31st October'22 |
To know more visit : https://bit.ly/3yjKVAk
UPSC IAS (Mains) LIVE Geography Optional Batch 3
Starting On 21st November'22 |
To know more visit - https://bit.ly/
UPSC IAS (Mains) LIVE History Optional Batch 2
Starting on 10 November| 1:00 PM
To know more visit - https://bit.ly/3TGWOce
UPSC General Studies and Optional Combo batches
Get extra discount by subscribing to our Combo batches: https://www.studyiq.com/upsc-combo-ba...
UPSC and State PCS Combo batches
UPSC + Uttar Pradesh PSC (Pre + Mains) LIVE Foundation Combo Batch 2
Starting on 5 November'22 | 6:00 PM
To Know more visit: https://bit.ly/upscuppcs2
UPSC + Bihar PSC (Pre + Mains) LIVE Foundation Combo Batch 2
Admissions Closing on 31st October |
To Know more visit: 'https://bit.ly/bpscupsc2
The important course features are -
1. 900+ Hours of Live teaching by our faculties
2. One-to-one mentorship to keep you on track to achieve the target
3. Handmade and concise Lecture Notes, Handouts on static topics
4. MCQ based learning for every lecture to enhance retention
5. Answer writing program guided by our experienced faculties
6. Daily Current Affairs Programme (CAP) PDF + Videos covering multiple sources
7. Benchmarking of students through weekly revision tests for students
8. Prelims Test Series to make you battle ready for Prelims exam
9. Gyanvani sessions by senior bureaucrats, selected candidates and senior aspirants
10. CSAT Lectures to help to adapt with changing patterns of examination.
Gaurav Sir Courses - One-Stop Solution for Current Affairs of all Government Exams.
Gaurav Sir Current Affairs https://bit.ly/3jwDRsv
Complete Static GK by Dr. Gaurav Garg https://bit.ly/3O0FaxE
Banking Awareness (Static) by Dr Gaurav Garg https://bit.ly/36dElAI
Vipan Sir Courses - Courses to help you gain an edge with MCQs preparation
10000 MCQs of GA by Vipan Sir https://bit.ly/367qqMi
GS - Dr. Vipan Goyal https://bit.ly/3vbslbn
StudyIQ is known for its superlative content and UPSC Books. Check the following links to order Books
Principles of Geography
Amazon: https://amzn.to/3Py3o3c
Flipkart: https://bit.ly/3yVffAT
Fundamentals of Geography
Flipkart: https://bit.ly/3MCUz6a
Amazon: https://amzn.to/3PzEQXy
Indian Economy
Amazon : https://amzn.to/3zS4mls
Flipkart: https://bit.ly/3xTdO5m
Indian Art and Culture
Amazon : https://amzn.to/3BhVypR
Flipkart: https://bit.ly/3OXyRKN
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For More Information regarding the course, Visit: https://bit.ly/StudyIQB4
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