Complete reconstruction after being a mother, throughout the body. Mommy Make over.

Complete reconstruction after being a mother, throughout the body. Mommy Make over.

We show you the same video from last week but without censorship for those who want to see the images clearly. We remind you that on our platform we have already exceeded 627 videos, with more than 100 patients, without censorship so that through the images the teaching becomes clearer. You can find it with www and my name Dr Gustavo Quiros Licona. This patient already had her cosmetic surgery, which consisted of placement of breast implants, abdominoplasty, liposculpture with fat transfer to the buttocks. You will also find the videos of this surgery on our platform, as well as the videos after it.
Te mostramos el mismo video de la semana pasada pero sin censura para los que quieran ver las imagenes con claridad. Te recordamos que en nuestra plataforma ya rebasamos los 627 videos, con mas de 100 pacientes, sin censura para que por medio de las imagenes te quede mas clara la enseñanza. La puedes encontrar con www y mi nombre Dr Gustavo Quiros Licona. Esta paciente ya tuvo su cirugia cosmetica, que consistio en colocación de implantes mamarios, abdominoplastia, lipoesculutura con lipotrasnferencia a gluteos. Los videos de esta cirugia tambien los encontraras en nuestra plataforma, así como los videos posteriores a la misma.


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