Top 10 Bizarre Things Hidden Inside Of Paintings
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From 'The Last Supper' to 'The Creation of Adam' , there have been a lot of very bizarre things found in paintings, like hidden messages or even older paintings. Let's get into the Top 10 Bizarre Things Hidden Inside Of Paintings.
#top10 #hiddenmessages #paintings #cursed #history #themiddleages #arthistory #vangogh #scary #mostamazingtop10 #art #darkmessages #thelastsupper #mysteries #unsolved #past
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Time Codes:
0:00 Intro
0:13 The Last Supper
1:15 Young Woman Powdering Herself
2:14 Supper at Emmaus
2:58 David and Goliath
3:37 The Topsy Turvy World
4:28 “Patch of Grass” by Van Gogh
5:12 The Old Guitarist
6:12 The Creation of Adam
7:00 Madonna with Saint Giovannino
7:52 Head of a Peasant Woman by Van Gogh
Channel Producer:
Landon Dowlatsingh- https://www.instagram.com/landonproductions/
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Hosted By:
Melissa Melottey: https://www.instagram.com/melissamelottey/
Edited By:
Brianna Raakman: https://www.instagram.com/brianna_raakman/
For Business Inquiries Contact: mostamazingtop10@gmail.com