Even the best have an off day every now and then

Even the best have an off day every now and then

Do you beat yourself up on those days when things don’t seem to be going very well for you? Most days you live your life by a certain standard and you either meet or exceed those expectations. But some days things just aren’t working out at all for you and you’re left perplexed as to why. It happens even to the best of us.

Professional athletes like NBA basketball players are very good at what they do playing at an elite level of competition. But if you watch individual players over the course of a season or during the playoffs, they’re not always going to have a great night of shooting or handling the ball. Steph Curry can score 40 points on 15/22 shooting, grab 12 rebounds, and dish 8 assists with zero turnovers on one night and then turn right around and score 12 points on 3/25 shooting, 2 rebounds, and 1 assist with 10 turnovers. It’s the same player with the same ability but a different outcome depending on the day.

Now let’s apply this to you. When you’re going through a bad day, it doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you or that you’re somehow a different person than you normally are. Some days are just gonna be like that. You’ve got to learn to roll with the punches when that happens and not beat yourself up about it.

It’s so easy to get caught up in the mindset that you have to be 100% perfect every single day throughout your entire life. If you think about that from a reasonable perspective, it’s ridiculous, isn’t it? Just remind yourself that it’s OK to have these days and to bounce back the next day. NBA players do it and it’s the secret to their longevity in the league. What has happened is in the past and it’s a clean slate the next game. The same is true for you!

This video excerpt was from one of my recent ice bath videos. I’m gone from doing live videos (pre-recorded videos will still be uploaded) in the month of May, but join me again beginning in June at around 5PM EST on Instagram Live all throughout 2022 as I go into a 32°F ice bath for five minutes every single day during my 365 day #JimmyIce Bath Challenge!

#JimmyMoore #IceBaths #IceBath #ColdTherapy #ColdThermogenesis #ColdExposure #BodyTemperature #MorozkoForge


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