#fabrats #fj45 #easterjeepsafari
Just when you think you've got all the kinks figured out.......along comes another one. With the Moab Easter Jeep Safari right around the corner we make the finall touches on getting the FJ trail ride bound. Of course that comes with a few little hiccups along the way. Check it out!
Make sure to follow along with us as we build and fabricate cool stuff!!
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Check out the whole FJ45 Series here:
We love Barnes 4x4. Check them out!
Check out Yankum Ropes!!
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And THE FAB RATS Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/thefabrats
For business inquiries please email us at: thefabrats@gmail.com
Shipping Address:
Fab Rats
P.O. Box 234 or General Delivery
Glendale, UT 84729