DYING LIGHT 2 IS HERE! (FIRST HOUR OF GAMEPLAY). Techland was kind enough to let me play Dying Light 2 a bit early so that you guys could see whether you'd be interested in getting it or not. Does Dying Light 2 release look good to you? Let me know in the comments what you think.
Personally I think it's alright so far, but I've only played the first hour so my opinion has yet to be made. I've been waiting YEARS for this game to come out though so you already know I'll be doing a decent amount of challenges on it.
Watch my Dying Light gaming challenges here:
I tried beating Dying Light With Only Throwables - https://youtu.be/y9JsUixoa80
Can You Beat Dying Light With Only Broken Weapons? - https://youtu.be/H386HuBbtOQ
Can You Beat Dying Light WITHOUT Weapons? - https://youtu.be/va-R8G-rlts
Dying Light 2 Sent Me A MASSIVE Air Drop - https://youtu.be/29NlgOumyP0
If you enjoy watching gaming challenge videos, be sure to subscribe to my channel because I make new gaming challenge videos every week/month/year and I have tons of great content on my channel! I play lots of different games including the RE series, the Last of Us, and lots more! Take a look through my channel, you might be surprised what games you find.
#dyinglight2 #dyinglight
Thanks for watching