Hi cuties! How are you? I hope you are well, well today I have this video with the theme of Rewrite The Stars I think it is a song that goes very well to Hitch and Sunny, I was inspired to make this video the reviews I've seen on social networks about the ship and not all are so nice, I am one of the people who respects all types of ships after all everyone has their reasons for which they like, there are comments where they criticize this couple starting because they are best friends and want them to stay that way or they want to influence with their comments wanting to prevent this ship from having its momentum I am not talking about everyone but those toxic comments that comment and criticize the ship in a bad way and demand respect for their ship.... it makes no sense to demand respect if you don't give it, I understand but everyone has their own taste there is no need to make bad criticisms if you don't like the couple it's ok to respect it but don't make comments out of place if you don't like the couple you can ignore the video, all this filled me with inspiration to capture their relationship that is to say a song where he narrates how difficult it can be to face the criticism of the world and the fear that gives to face them but not for those comments you should stop for me the love that is born from childhood is very adorable that without counting the attitudes that both showed in the development of the film, I loved to see how he cared about her, his way of seeing her, and above all that he gave up following the rules to help her in a mission that for others was impossible to achieve, he also wanted to try to talk to her and encourage her, All this made me see how strong their relationship is and they complement each other, she is a girl with hope and is daring and he is a guy who follows the rules but at the same time is kind... I WOULD REALLY LOVE FOR THEM TO BE TOGETHER! And that in the development of the series these characters mature and discover something more than friendship in each other I am not demanding that they are a couple instantly but I want a development of both so this song is from Hitch to Sunny... their love is not impossible they will be able to break the stereotypes and be more than friends...
Hola linduras! Que tal? Yo espero que estén bien, bueno el día de hoy tengo este video con el tema de Rewrite The Stars creo que es una canción que les va muy bien a Hitch y Sunny, me inspiro hacer este video las críticas que he visto en las redes sociales sobre el ship y no todas son tan agradables, yo soy una de las personas que respeta todos los tipos de ships después de todo cada uno tiene sus motivos por los cuales les gusta, en fin hay cometarios en donde critican esta pareja empezando porque ellos son mejores amigos y quieren que así se queden o quieren influir con sus comentarios queriendo evitar que este ship tenga su impulso no hablo de todo el mundo si no de aquellos comentarios tóxicos que comentan y critican el ship de una mala manera y piden respeto para su ship… no tiene sentido exigir respeto si tu no lo das.. Yo entiendo pero cada quien tiene su gusto no hay necesidad de hacer malas críticas si no te gusta la pareja está bien se respeta pero no hagas comentarios fuera de lugar si no es de tu gusto la pareja puedes ignorar el video ,Todo esto me lleno de inspiración para plasmar su relación es decir una canción donde narra lo difícil que puede ser enfrentar las críticas del mundo y el miedo que da enfrentarlas pero no por esos comentarios debes detenerte para mí el amor que nace desde la infancia es muy adorable eso sin contar las actitudes que ambos mostraron en el desarrollo de la película, me encantó ver como él se preocupaba por ella su forma de verla, y sobre todo que renunció a seguir las reglas para ayudarle en una misión que para los demás era imposible de lograr, también quiso tratar de hablar con ella y animarla, Todo esto me hizo ver lo fuerte que es su relación y es que se complementan ella es una chica con esperanza y es atrevida y él es un chico que cumple las reglas pero que al mismo tiempo es bondadoso… ES QUE ENSERIO ME ENCANTARIA QUE ESTUVIREAN JUNTOS!
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