Walking 24 miles in 8 hours in D&D? Let's see if this checks out!!!. BECOME A PATRON - Get Lair Magazine, play D&D with me, and other perks βΆβΆ https://www.patreon.com/thedmlair
Dungeons & Dragons travel rules state that a party of heroic adventurers can walk 24 miles in 8 hours. That's a good 3 MPH clip without any breaks. Is it actually possible for a group of D&D characters to travel that far in that time? Is that travel realistic in D&D? Did the Dungeons & Dragons game designers actually test this out? Or is D&D travel just another nerd's number crunching? Don't get me wrong. I love nerds. But it's time for THE BARBARIAN to put this 24 miles in 8 hours travel theory to the ULTIMATE TEST!
Thank you, Bob World Builder, for breaking in the trail on this travel topic. However, you must excuse the Barbarian as he felt it necessary to get some chunky adventuring meat on the trail to test out the theory, too. Check out Bob's channel here: https://www.youtube.com/bobworldbuilder
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