My Top 20 Inappropriate LEGO sets, minifigures - I'm just calling it Official LEGO Products this time!
This is based on the official LEGO Ideas guidelines, which can be found here: https://ideas.lego.com/guidelines
0:00 Intro
0:37 1 - LEGO Smoking Supplies
1:39 2 - LEGO Wine
1:57 3 - Wooden LEGO Gun
2:13 4 - LEGO Churches
2:25 5 - LEGO Red Indians
3:01 6 - LEGO Lone Ranger
3:20 7 - LEGO Sports Riot Police
3:43 8 - LEGO Slave Leia
4:03 9 - LEGO Apu
4:34 10 - LEGO Alpha Team
5:22 11 - LEGO Indiana Jones Flying Wing
5:50 12 - LEGO Mola Ram
6:04 13 - LEGO Seinfeld
6:30 14 - LEGO Overwatch
7:06 15 - Modern Alcohol
7:22 16 - Weapons
7:53 17 - LEGO Bully
8:10 18 - Advent Calendars
8:29 19 - LEGO Crosses
8:42 20 - Red Light LEGO
9:46 Outro
More sources:
Wooden Gun - https://www.brothers-brick.com/2019/11/11/the-beginners-guide-to-collecting-lego-wooden-toys-the-original-lego-originals-feature/
Rock Raiders United - https://rockraidersunited.com/topic/7367-alpha-team-set-comic-revisions/
Alpha Team scans - http://www.peeron.com/scans/6776-1
Fancy Woman - https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?G=6187187#T=S&O={%22iconly%22:0}
Slave Leia is cancelled -https://comicbook.com/news/slave-leia-rumored-to-be-retired-from-all-star-wars-merchandise/
Churches - https://brickset.com/search?query=church&scope=All
March Harriet - https://batman.fandom.com/wiki/March_Harriet
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just2good lists and countdowns no.66 (S04E05 / Informational no. 23)
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#LEGO #just2good #TheSimpsons