Hey there!
today, on genshin impact, i explore inazuma in it's entirety..... kinda
yes, really
unfortunately there were a few things for exploration I had to do in the past, for videos/events etc. on the other end, this video would have been 4 hours long if I had not done them so.. I think that's for the better!
the 3h30 me being a noob video is uploaded too now!
it's being reviewed at the moment (again, it's really just one massive clip dump - don't get your hopes up THAT much, it's barely edited)
im also excited to do itto's quest and make a video! it's been a bit since i covered a story!!
excited after having seen the 2.3 stream!! (lol)
with the albedo cutscene with bennett and the things and stuff
shadow amidst snowstorms
bantan sango case files with the WARRIOR NINJA DOGS
misty dungeons and the energy amplifier fruition
and big wolf boi
yes this is just a list
twitty: https://twitter.com/rednasyo
disco: https://discord.gg/rednas
Have a great day! (✿ ◕‿◕)
thx 4 watchin
thx even more for subbin
and the most thx for sharin