💞Taurus, this person is quite anxious and they definitely overthink things ~ but they are a really good soul, very generous and giving. This person really has a lot of love for you, there has been a huge shift for this person in some way and they're making their way towards you ~ they're actually worried they've missed their chance with you.
Thank you so much for checking out the reading, don't forget to like and subscribe as part of the Flutter 🦋 if it resonated with you!
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Much love to you, wherever you are Xxx
🔮Decks used ~
~Smith-Waite Centennial Edition
~The Akashic Tarot (Sharon Anne Klinger & Sandra Anne Taylor)
~The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Deck
~The Magic of Tarot (Liz Dean)
~Dragon Oracle Cards (Diana Cooper)
~Archangel animal Oracle Cards (Diana Cooper)
~The Divine Couple Oracle (Sumlee) On Etsy (homemade deck)
~Soul Connections Oracle Cards (Webb)
Photo courtesy of K. Mitch Hogde on Unsplash.com
Disclaimer: this tarot reading if for entertainment purposes only. Madame Butterfly accepts no responsibility or liability for actions undertaken by viewers and clients after watching this reading.