Sunday encounter with Christ is vital, indispensable and irreplaceable for Catholics

Sunday encounter with Christ is vital, indispensable and irreplaceable for Catholics

Mindful that the causes and effects of the pandemic are still present to such a degree that not everyone can attend the Sunday Eucharistic Celebration at Mass, the Bishops of England and Wales have asked that all Catholics now reflect on the centrality of the Eucharist to the life of faith and take into consideration their personal circumstances and the reasons as to whether they can now attend Sunday Mass or not.

Bishop Mark O'Toole, Lead Bishop for Evangelisation and Discipleship, is looking forward to Catholics encountering the Lord fully in His glorious and Risen Body:

"Let us look sensitively at what is possible for us in the circumstances of our lives. And if it is possible, let us return to being present physically at Sunday Mass. We can do so safely. The Lord wants us to do so, so that we can encounter Him fully in His glorious and Risen Body. Let us return to Him."


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