r/EntitledPeople Idiot Sends 12 PEOPLE TO ER to Prove Allergies Are "FAKE"! | Reddit Stories

r/EntitledPeople Idiot Sends 12 PEOPLE TO ER to Prove Allergies Are "FAKE"! | Reddit Stories

r/EntitledPeople - An entitled idiot sends 12 people to the hospital due to severe allergic reactions. This guy that worked for a catering company for a college didn't believe in allergies and decided to dump a bunch of hazelnut powder in a drink; resulting in 12 people getting hospitalized and him getting arrested. Stay tuned for more r/EntitledPeople and Karen stories!

▶️Check out our previous r/EntitledPeople video:
r/EntitledPeople Karen PRETENDS I Attacked Her, But Gets HERSELF Arrested! | Reddit Stories

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Story 1 by u/FighttheCube
Story 2 by u/Bambi_Million
Story 3 by u/functi0nalPsych0path
Story 4 by u/NachoMama55

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