Panel Interview on ”The Most Significant Insight from Neuroscience That Could Transform Education”

Panel Interview on ”The Most Significant Insight from Neuroscience That Could Transform Education”

Welcome back to the Neuroscience Meets Social and Emotional Learning Podcast for our very FIRST Panel Interview and EPISODE 177. #Education #Neuroscience

For those new, or returning guests, welcome! I'm Andrea Samadi, author, and educator from Toronto, Canada, now in Arizona, and like many of you listening, have been fascinated with learning and understanding the science behind high performance strategies that we can use to improve our own productivity in our schools, our sports, and workplace environments.

This week, I’m thrilled to welcome back 4 guests to our very first panel interview, with Horacio Sanchez, from, Dr. Jon Lieff, MD from, Dr. Howard Rankin, PhD. from, and Tom Beakbane, author of How to Understand Everything. Consilience: A New Way to See the World"

This panel was actually Tom Beakbane’s idea, after his EPISODE 144 this summer, he mentioned that he had listened to Dr. Lieff’s episode on his book, The Secret Language of Cells, and thought it would be a good idea if we hosted a panel discussion in the near future. Not wanting to miss any opportunity to learn something new, I agreed, and wrote down the idea, thinking of late Fall for this panel discussion. When the time felt right, I emailed Horacio Sanchez, Jon Lieff, Howard Rankin and Tom Beakbane with the idea, and all agreed immediately, and it was set in stone.

Today I want to welcome back all 4 speakers to our discussion, and will give their background, so you can see where they have come from, as you listen to their thoughts and ideas on this episode.

The topic for today will be “What is the most significant insight from neuroscience that can transform the future of education” so as I read through each speaker’s bio, you can think of how their experience can contribute to this topic, with some ideas that we can all take away and think about the action steps that we can bring to our schools or workplaces. I really do believe that these ideas can transform our results, and it just takes you, the listener, to implement one idea at a time, for this change to occur.

Here’s today’s panelists.
1. Horacio Sanchez
2. Jon Lieff, MD
3. Howard Rankin, Ph.D.
4. Tom Beakbane

I want to welcome each of our guests to the podcast today: Horacio Sanchez, Dr. Jon Lieff, MD, Dr. Howard Rankin, Ph.D, and Tom Beakbane. Welcome! It’s incredible to see you all again. Thanks for being here.

Andrea SamadiNeuroscienceSEL

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