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Today I am going to be talking about how to lose weight and KEEP IT OFF! What worked for me and how I lost 120lbs and have been maintaining it for a year now! I talk about why diets fail and why 90% of people that lose weight end up regaining it plus more!
I am not a dr, dietician, personal trainer, coach or ANYTHING. I am just a girl who has lost 120lbs, beaten obesity, and is sharing my journey and what I have learnt, to help others do the same!
If you would like to watch more videos on how to lose weight, here are some I think you might like:
How to Use My Fitness Pal to Track Calories: https://youtu.be/QZodbrWgq_k
Why You're Not Losing Weight: https://youtu.be/AesuA8cP0cU
Lose Weight With WALKING https://youtu.be/QHr-FEr5qhU
5 Weightloss Hacks that WORK! https://youtu.be/mjCRS1UKRAU
Low calorie food swaps https://youtu.be/rKMsxDoKFPg
Follow Me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/louisesjourney2.0xo/
Use My Affiliate Link for The Skinny Food Co: https://track.webgains.com/click.html?wgcampaignid=1559375&wgprogramid=288575
USE MY CODE: LOUISEJOURNEY for 20% off your skinny food co order!
Greg Doucettes Cookbook and training Programmes: https://www.gregdoucette.com/?ref=louiserodhouse1
HTLT Supplements: https://www.htltsupps.com/?ref=louiserodhouse
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