You can help us get more unintentional ASMR videos like this by SUBSCRIBING: http://bit.ly/UASMR and hitting that 🔔. Don't you just love listening to accidental ASMR videos with different accents? ASMR accent videos are a common way to trigger yourself. You may have noticed that some of our unintentional ASMR videos are in the English language spoken with German accent, Russian accent and many more! In this video, prepare to experience ASMR tingles as you listen to Grandmaster Pia Cramling’s gentle Swedish accent. Huge thanks to Gibraltar International Chess Festival, GibChess, for these videos! To know more about the Tradewise Gibraltar Open, the strongest and best-organised event of its kind in the world, subscribe here https://bit.ly/GibChessYouTube
---- Our Edits ----
We found Pia’s voice and accent very relaxing, so we’ve put together this short unintentional ASMR compilation of her post-game interviews. We’ve cut out the parts of the interviewers, as well as the introduction in the original videos, from the final video. Finally, we tidied up the audio, did some audio enhancements for this unintentional ASMR video, specifically edited for maximum ASMR triggers, and removed some loud or non-relaxing noises which broke the relaxing vibe to highlight the best unintentional ASMR moments! Let us know if you like this version that we’ve made.
---- Original Video ----
This video compilation of GibChess’s post-game interviews with Pia Cramling, a Swedish chess player, where she talks about her experiences in each tournament, how she prepared for each game and how chess is considered an important part of her family’s life. In 1992, she became the fifth woman to earn the FIDE title of Grandmaster and has been the highest rated woman in the FIDE World Rankings on three occasions.
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Original channel:
GibChess - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa1RTZ95_wMc5dbzI8ugTEQ
Original videos:
1: Round 6 Gibraltar Chess post-game interview with Pia Cramling https://youtu.be/W6odDTMXLXg
2: Round 10 Gibraltar Chess post-game interview with Pia Cramling https://youtu.be/e3AeF1q-OqE
3: Round 6 GibChess interview with Pia Cramling https://youtu.be/-pSpVCkuxuQ
4: Round 3 Gibraltar Chess post-game interview with Pia Cramling https://youtu.be/pcLQqI_Mrog
Time Stamp:
0:00 - Preview
0:40 - https://youtu.be/W6odDTMXLXg
3:31 - https://youtu.be/e3AeF1q-OqE
5:43 - https://youtu.be/-pSpVCkuxuQ
11:36 - https://youtu.be/pcLQqI_Mrog
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NOTE: This video is being shared for #unintentionalASMR reasons only. The video has been edited from its original format for this purpose.
WHAT IS ASMR? http://ineedtosleepnow.com/what-is-asmr
ASMR definition: http://ineedtosleepnow.com/asmr-defin...
http://iNeedToSleepNow.com is a YouTube channel and website that curates calm softly spoken voices that serve as great unintentional #ASMR. This channel focuses primarily on soft speaking, calm softly spoken voices, unintentional ASMR interviews, relaxing voices, ASMR tingles and anything that helps you sleep.
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