We're excited to introduce you to https://vscode.dev, bringing a true VS Code experience to the Web that doesn't need to be installed, launches instantly, and works anywhere (hello, iPad!). Come see the culmination of a decade of work and learn what you can do with VS Code for the Web.
Read the announcement: https://aka.ms/vscode-dev-blog
0:00 Welcome to the livestream
4:59 Local files on VS Code for the Web
8:44 Working with repos on GitHub
12:10 Switch to Insiders
12:37 Continue working on…
13:30 Azure Repos support
15:05 github.dev and vscode.dev
16:21 Chromebook support
17:15 Routes and the /theme route
20:15 Collaborate with Live Share
22:20 Other featured extensions
28:25 Unsupported extensions
29:00 Quick Q&A
31:00 Enabling extensions in the Web
36:17 Updating an extension for the Web
50:58 Q&A