Hey everyone,
Please join the live session to study together. The sessions will be pomodoro sessions with chat in breaks. Drop "hi" to let me know that u r here.
*********Giveaway update- please scroll down***********
About me:
Name: Pratiksha Arora
Age: 27
language: Hindi and English
Studying for: UPSC
Origin: Indian from Jhansi(UP)
Attempt: 1st
Prelims: 10th Oct
Schedule 📅
4 am - 9 pm daily
Long break: 8 am - 9:30 am
Session- 50 minutes and short break- 10 minutes
Please subscribe if you like studying with me.
Let's work hard and achieve our goals.
To support the channel, you can buy me a coffee:
Also I am planning for giveaways(once we reach 1K subscribers) for the 2 top performers of our stream and a top donator of the week. It would be evaluated on monthly basis in start, then if our viewership increases, we will evaluate it on weekly basis.
Giveaways will include handmade tiny items from my macramé store.
The youtube live session is usually for 14 hours. The discord room is 24*7 place where u study in a virtual study room and are in meeting with other aspirants like you. Its not a paid platform, but yes verified.
It will help you in maintaining consistency and productivity as you see aspirants as like you, studying with you.
1. 15 mins meditation in the morning.
2. Chat option to connect with each other.
3. Safe environment, only serious aspirants.
4. No "stick to our schedule" funda. If you have your schedule, you can practice it as well.
How are we maintaining secure and genuine environment in study rooms?
1. Verification before providing the discord server link.
2. Not focusing on increase of the count, only active aspirants.
● Mute your mics, it will help in better concentration. You can unmute at times of discussion.
● No inappropriate messages. No offensive messages.
♡You can switch on the camera or you can face it towards books. Its optional.
Commands you can use in the live stream:
!hello : to say hi 👋
!start : to start the session and mark your present.
Telegram :https://t.me/joinchat/HFm52bYAdc1lNDZl
(I had noticed a common pattern, people join the telegram group and immediately leaves. 😳 So if you join and leave I request you to please drop a feedback, thank you )
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/arorapratiksha/
Discord: once you join the Telegram group, Link will be provided in chat.
Subscribers target: 1000
Please be nice and respectful.
If you have any suggestion or query, feel free to comment.
Thank you. 🌹