Permanent Resident Card through the EB-2 National Interest Waiver | An Excellent Option/Immigrants
@Luis Victoria Law
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Our law office is located in Miami-Dade County, in the United States:
8350 NW 52nd Terrace Suite 301, Doral, FL 33166 USA
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YOUTUBE CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/c/LuisVictoriaLaw
LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/in/luisvictoriaLaw
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More information about attorney Luis Victoria licensed to practice law in the United States: https://abogadoluisvictoria.com
#DORALIMMIGRATIONLAWYER #MIAMIIMMIGRATIONLAW #IMMIGRATIONLAW #USA #COLOMBIA #VENEZUELA #EUROPA #ESPANA #USCIS #USA #VISAS #EMBASSY #UPDATE #TEMPORARYVISA #PERMAMENTVISA #GREENCARD #CITIZENSHIP WAIVER #AMERICANDREAM #LUISVICTORIALAW #ABOGADOLUISVICTORIA #VAWA #RESIDE colombianosenatlanta #colombianosentenessee #colombianosenNY #colombianosennewjersey #colombianoscolumbus #colombianosencincinnati #colombianosenchicago #colombianosentexas #colombianosenhouston #colombianosendallas #colombianosporelmundo #clasesinmigracion #colombianoscolumbus #colombianosencincinnati #colombianosenchicago #colombianosentexas #colombianosenhouston #colombianosendallas #colombianosporelmundo #clasesinmigracion
NOTICE: Our YouTube channel is primarily intended to provide useful information for people, especially immigrants. Likewise, one of the fundamental purposes of our channel is to educate and inform people about the federal system of the United States, specifically regarding immigration law. On the other hand, we want to keep our subscribers informed about changes in federal immigration law and about policies implemented by the government. Respectful debate and opinions about what we are sharing on our channel are welcome, based on freedom of expression. However, if you use your comments in order to attack others or to post inappropriate or hateful comments, you should know that these comments will be removed. Also, if you continue to violate the rules of decency, you will be denied access to our channel.
The information provided in this video and post is for general information purposes only. In general, the information you obtain on this YouTube channel is not, nor is it intended to be, legal advice; therefore, it should not be construed as a communication of legal advice or opinion. Additionally, this information is not intended to create an attorney-client relationship. The success stories are based on real cases. However, each case is different and past successes do not guarantee that all cases will have a similar outcome. Attorney Luis Victoria is licensed by the State Bar of Florida and is a member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA). He should consult an attorney for legal advice regarding his particular case or legal problem. He can call us or also send us a letter, either by post or by email. However, contacting us does not create an attorney-client relationship.
NOTICE: Our YouTube channel is primarily intended to provide useful information for people, especially immigrants. Likewise, one of the fundamental purposes of our channel is to educate and inform people about the federal system of the United States, specifically regarding immigration law. On the other hand, we want to keep our subscribers informed about changes in federal immigration law and about policies implemented by the government. Respectful debate and opinions about what we are sharing on our channel are welcome, based on free expression. However, if you use your comments in order to attack others or to post inappropriate or hateful comments, you should know that these comments will be removed. Also, if you continue to violate the rules of decency, you will be denied access to our channel. Thanks again for being subscribed to our YouTube channel, and for continuing to spread our information so that more people can benefit from this important content.