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Are called indefinitives, indefiniti, that adjectives indicating an indefinite quantity or indefinite measure related to a noun.
- They can suggest a unity or an indetermined plurality: qualunque (whatever), qualsiasi (any), nessuno (no), qualche (some), alcuno (any), ciascuno (every), ogni (each), certo (certain), etc.
For example: Dammi un quaderno qualunque. Una qualsiasi penna che funzioni mi va bene.
(Give me whatever notebook. Whatever pen which works will be ok.)
Ho incontrato qualche cane al parco. Certe persone sono maleducate.
(I met some dogs at the park. Certain people are impolite.)
- They can suggest an indefinite quantity: molto (many), poco (few), tanto (a lot of), parecchio (quite a lot), troppo (too much), vario (various), altrettanto (as much), etc.
For example: Ho molto tempo libero. Ha comprato troppi libri! Abbiamo poca voglia di uscire.
(I have much free time. I bought too many books. We have no desire of going out.)
- They can indicate a totality: tutto (all).
For example: Ho mangiato tutta la torta. Non sono riuscita a vedere tutto il film.
(I ate all the cake. I couldn’t see all the film.)
- Attention:
Some indefinite adjectives are invariable: qualche, ogni, qualsiasi. They are only singular and they have only one form for both for the masculine and for the feminine.
Uno, ciascuno, nessuno are only singular but they have different forms for the masculine and the feminine: uno/una; ciascuno/ciascuna; nessuno/nessuna.
The other indefinites are all invariable in number and gender: troppo, tutto, poco, molto, vario, diverso, etc.
Are called demonstrative, dimostrativi, the adjectiveds indicating the position of a persona or a thing in relation to the speaker:
- questo (this) refers to somebody or something near who is speaking;
- quello (that) refers to somebody or something far from who is speaking.
For example: Questa pasta è buonissima. Questi giochi mi hanno stufato.
(This pasta is amazing. These games got me bored.)
Quella bambina è scatenata! Quel ragazzo sembra carino.
(That little girl is wild! That boy seems nice.)
- They are variable and they agree in number and gender with the noun they accompain.
Are called numerals, numerali, the adjectives that indicate with precision an exact quantity.
They can be divided into different categories: cardinals, ordinals, multiplicatives, distributives.
- Ordinal adjectives - Aggettivi numerali ordinali
They establish a numerical quantity: they are the basic numbers. They are invariable.
For example: uno (one), due (two), tre (three), cento (hundred), etc.
Ho comprato due mele e tre pesche. (I bought two apples and three peaches.)
Ha fatto dieci chilometri di coda. (I found a ten km queue.)
- Cardinal adjectives - Aggettivi numerali cardinali
They establish an order; they are variable.
For example: primo (first), secondo (second), terzo (third), centesimo (hundredth), etc.
Era il suo primo giorno di scuola. (It was her first day of school.)
È la centesima volta che te lo ripeto! (It’s the hundredth time that I say it to you!)
- Multiplicative adjectives - Aggettivi numerali moltiplicativi
They suggest how many times a certain quantity must be multiplied. They are variable.
For example: doppio (double), triplo (triple), quadruplo (quadruple), etc.
La ginnasta ha fatto un triplo salto mortale.
(The gymnast made a triple mortal jump.)
Maria ha preso doppia razione di spaghetti.
(Mary took double spaghetti.)
- Distributive adjectives - Aggettivi numerali distributivi
They suggest how to distribute a certain quantity.
For example: a uno a uno (one-one), a due a due (by twos), tre a testa (three each), etc.
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