September was a wild ride
In this video...
The Iliac Crest https://tidd.ly/3zSsAct
From Little Tokyo, With Love https://tidd.ly/38MQmdT
Before the Coffee Gets Cold https://tidd.ly/3DU90Pg
Fireblood https://tidd.ly/2Y8GTfr
Utopia https://tidd.ly/39Ss6I1
Komi Can't Communicate
Pan's Labyrinth https://tidd.ly/3usWy4I
Maurice https://tidd.ly/3n8uORt
Beowulf https://tidd.ly/3krsSQQ
Infinite Country https://tidd.ly/3CXDhLQ
Music of the Night https://tidd.ly/3uwJvPG
*if you'd like to use my book depository affiliate link to check out any of the books mentioned and support my channel it's below!
🏺I also exist in these places 🏺
ASMR CHANNEL https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0qIaD8rmMo5YiPvMeOQs0w
GOODREADS: https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/10795588-emma
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/emmie.reads/
BUSINESS: emmacrest59@gmail.com
Want to send me something?
509 Commissioners Road West
# 517
London, ON N6J 1Y5
0:00 hi!
0:47 one of the best books i've ever read
6:29 a very sweet romantic adventure
9:30 ranting about before the coffee gets cold and then spilling my coffee
13:34 craving hot trash & a YA fantasy
16:20 utopian literature
18:35 a wholesome manga
20:25 pan's labyrinth
22:45 old english poetry
24:36 amazing literary fiction
28:18 the dark academia pick
29:51 going on a rant about a phantom of the opera 'retelling'