I give 47 robes for small novices.

I give 47 robes for small novices.

I'd like to say million thanks to my beloved sister Goh Sei Miin my beloved brother Darius Lian and all her or his Dharma friends from Malaysia for donating 47 robes for novices in the occasion of Pchum Ben festival to novices who are staying in Watkraya, Kraya Commune, Santuk District, Kompong Thom province, kingdom of Cambodia.

I wish you all to get the four kind of happiness of householders, the happiness of ownership, the happiness of enjoyment, the happiness of debtlessness, and the happiness of right livelihood. Especially got four blessings from Buddha, longevity, good complexion, happiness and strength.

Credit of song
Music: Dayspring
Musician: Firefl!es
URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoplw2Cc3xc

Sunday 26 September ២៥៦៥/2021


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