Grouse Hunting {CATCH CLEAN & COOK} BBQ Grouse Mac N' Cheese

Grouse Hunting {CATCH CLEAN & COOK} BBQ Grouse Mac N' Cheese

Grouse hunting is hard but very rewarding specifically because of how excellent grouse meat is to eat. I go grouse hunting every year but rarely get one mainly because I hunt with a .22lr but this year I was successful! I managed to shoot a grouse so I could do a catch clean and cook so I can show you how I skin a grouse and also an amazing way to cook the grouse meat. I make some amazing grouse macaroni and cheese that doesn't disappoint. If you're into grouse hunting and are looking for another idea on how to cook it up then here you go! If you're new to grouse hunting and want to see one way to skin and cook them then enjoy this video! I hope this Grouse Catch Clean & Cook video inspires you to try new things!



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catch and cookgrouse huntingcatch clean and cook

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