Flexibility and Contortion workout | Yoga stretch Legs | Yoga flex | Fitness | YOGA Charmaine #18

Flexibility and Contortion workout | Yoga stretch Legs | Yoga flex | Fitness | YOGA Charmaine #18

Hello friends

This 15min Routine is perfect to do on a daily basis, to make sure our muscles and joints are not too stiff from sitting all day long or training a lot. This helps to increase your mobility and flexibility :)

We will stretch our hamstrings, thighs, hip flexors, back, work on our spine mobility and so on. It’s a „Full Body“ Session

I’m actually super excited for this, since I really need to step up my stretching skills :D and I’m optimistic that I will stick to this better, if I will have a fix video that I can follow haha. This was definitely missing on my channel!


No Equipment needed. Just prepare a soft surface like a yoga mat or towel :)

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CharmaineCharmaine Yogayoga charmaine

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