HAPPY Day to all of you 50 PLUS men & women! You are deeply loved by God! I don’t know what I would do without Him, on this aging journey.
One day I was looking for the remote and the remote was in my hand. Ever walked into a room and forgot why you went in the room in the first place? Some of you already know and some of you will find out that the aging process is no joke. You’re gonna need to have a sense of humor, cause you’re gonna have many occasions to laugh at yourself. Isn’t it great that laughter does a body good? I just don’t know what I would do without the Lord! I dedicate this song to you all.
Have a wonderful day and know that nobody on the planet loves you more than Jesus does.
A Little humor:
You know you’re getting old when you yearn for those blessed old hymns of days gone by, especially:
• “Go Tell It on the Mountain – and Speak Up!”
• “Nobody Knows the Trouble I Have Seeing”
• “Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah (I’ve Forgotten Where I Parked)”
~Barbara Johnson