How can an organization prioritizing sustainability and equity thrive? Experts on purpose-driven innovation Michela Magas (innovation advisor to the European Commission and the G7 leaders, creator of the Industry Commons, and Member of President von der Leyen’s High Level Round Table for the New European Bauhaus), and Thomas Malnight ( Faculty Director of the Business Transformation Initiative (BTI) at the Institute for Management Development (IMD)), talk with Charles L. Owen Professor of Design and Action Lab Director Carlos Teixeira.
While most for-profit corporations have expanded their social and environmental responsibilities in their corporate mission, they are still struggling to create business strategies and find growth opportunities driven by their new corporate purpose. Referencing Put Purpose at the Core of Your Strategy (HBR, Thomas Malnight), the New European Bauhaus Concept Paper, (Michela Magas), and Lead with Purpose (ID), panelists will discuss purpose and value-driven innovation as a new business strategy for thriving organizations.