Ethiopian Month Dates Equal
to Gregorian Calendar
Meskerem 1st Month/1st Day in Ethiopia is September 11 - October 10 (Year Begins Sept. 12/leap years) 9th Month in Gregorian
Tikimt 2nd Month in Ethiopia is October 11 - November 9 10th Month in Gregorian
Hidar 3rd Month in Ethiopia is November 10 - December 9 11th Month in Gregorian
Tahsas 4th Month in Ethiopia is December 10 - January 8 12th Month in Gregorian
Tir 5th Month in Ethiopia is January 9 - February 7 1st Month in Gregorian
Yekatit 6th Month in Ethiopia is February 8 - March 9 2nd Month in Gregorian
Megabit 7th Month in Ethiopia is March 10 - April 8 3rd Month in Gregorian
Meyazya 8th Month in Ethiopia is April 9 - May 8 4th Month in Gregorian
Ginbot 9th Month in Ethiopia is May 9 - June 7 5th Month in Gregorian
Sene 10th Month in Ethiopia is June 8 - July 7 6th Month in Gregorian
Hamle 11th Month in Ethiopia is July 8 - August 6 7th Month in Gregorian
Nehase 12th Month in Ethiopia is August 7 - September 5 8th Month in Gregorian
Puagme 13th Month in Ethiopia is September 6 - September 10 (Year Ends Sept. 11/leap years)
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