Listen to two bimbos talk about class balance. This is not meant to be taken seriously. If you like these stream highlight-type videos, let me know, and more will be on the way.
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/HR3BDF63xY
Video Chapters:
00:00 - Intro
00:54 - Medic
01:46 - Sniper
03:39 - Demoman
03:57 - Scout
04:22 - Soldier
05:22 - Engineer
06:10 - Pyro and Heavy
07:51 - Spy
08:13 - More on Pyro
09:08 - Spy is Bad
10:25 - Benji
10:38 - Farming Bad Players
11:54 - Lowest and Highest Skill Floor
13:08 - Community Rankings
Song Used:
1. Credits - Super Monkey Ball 2 OST
tf2team fortress 2 gameplayteam fortress 2