Single Individual Protection Offer — Get Me A Mortgage Ben

Single Individual Protection Offer — Get Me A Mortgage Ben

As a single individual I want to talk to you about the importance of ensuring that your mortgage, debts and life style are fully protected.

Thinking about death, is not realistically the best thing to do unless you have someone that relies on you financially.

The main thing to consider is how you will continue to support your lifestyle and pay your mortgage debt and bills should you become sick, suffer an accident or become unemployed.

I want you to imagine, what life would be like if you suffered a serious accident that meant you had to take two years off work,

imagine if you did not get your regular income for 2 years and how you would pay your mortgage, your bills, your council tax, your loans, your credit cards and maintain your lifestyle.

I want you to contemplate the potential consequences of not protecting your mortgage and your lifestyle.

Such as getting your home repossessed,

Loosing the house you worked hard to purchase.

Having to moving back in with mum and dad,

having to start renting, or making significant changes to your lifestyle.

Also what about the risk your credit score and future credit rating.

Late and missed payments will be registered on your report and this can cause huge problems in the future,

And it can take up to six years to repair.

I also want you to think about if something more serious were to happen to you

What if you were diagnosed withCancer,

you had a heart attack,

you became permanently disabled, or you were diagnosed with multiple sclerosis.

These are the fours main critical Illnesses that people suffer from.

You need to make sure your mortgage and lifestyle are fully protected against Critical illness.

We will help you to protect your financial future by advising on a suitable solution fit for your budget.

Do not worry about your financial future we will help you take care of it.


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