Many Christians, even Pastors, seem to think we should not embrace Rosh Hashanah. I reveal the two primary reasons we should embrace the day, and I attempt to show you how to blow the shofar. I used to do it every year, but I have not been well over the last few years, so I have not done so. With the judgements in the world, I made an attempt and pulled it off. The shofar should be blown a minimum of 30 times up to 101 times a day, in groups of two blasts followed by three short blasts, with the final set ending with one long blast. In commemoration of the Lamed-Vovnik in the world, I blew it 36 times to connect the Lord, calling on His mercy to be poured out upon the world.
My website: https://petermatthews.com.au/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drpeterdmatthews
Email: drofsonnets@gmail.com