Don't have time for exercise? don't worry, here is easy tips to control diabetes by Dr Ashok khatri

Don't have time for exercise? don't worry, here is easy tips to control diabetes by Dr Ashok khatri

Introduction for those who have no time for exercise.
here is some easy tips to control diabetes.
here is series of videos.

Eat what you need.
in this video explanation about we need energy to live, we are here to enjoy life not only eat.
मधुमेह को जानिए सरलता से
Know diabetes easily
Dr Ashok khatri
Hypoglycemia - A Diabetic emergency | डायबिटीज - जानलेवा हो सकती हैं
Early signs and symptoms of diabetes by dr ashok khatri
Diabetes - what you should know | डायबिटीज - इतना तो पता होना चाहिए
Diabetes and depression by dr ashok khatri

you have to control your diet.
what you eat it's matter.
control your diet and avoid diabetes.
Learn how to revers diabetes, with story
#diabeticstory #diabetes #diabeteskikahani

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