☁ Be able to absorb desired affirmations fast
☁ Your subconscious absorbs affirmations just like a sponge would
☁ Desired affirmations implant themselves into the subconscious
☁ Your subconscious adsorbs affirmations just like a sponge would do to water
☁ Your subconscious locks in affirmations after only one listen
☁ Your subconscious absorbs affirmations even if you affirm
☁ Your subconscious uses those affirmations to give you results fast
☁ Results come fast because of how sponge-like it absorbs affirmations
☁ You listen only once and your desired results appear so fast you don’t even realize
☁ You only listen or speak once and all the affirmations sink into your subconscious mind
☁ You don’t doubt yourself because you know your subconscious is like a sponge
☁ Your subconscious is so fast at absorbing affirmations that the 3d lags
☁ Any unwanted affirmations flash away leaving space for only wanted affirmations
☁ Your subconscious absorbs desired affirmations even if you affirm to yourself
☁ It doesn’t matter if you affirm or listen to a subliminal your subconscious still absorbs them