This is the bizarre moment two men, one wearing a pair of brief and one fuly naked, exit London tube station of Elephant & Castle and kick an innocent cyclist off his bike on the pedestrian cross.
Two naked men were caught on video attacking a cyclist in broad daylight in a busy London street after strolling brazenly out of an underground station.
In a bizarre series of events, the men can be seen leaving Elephant & Castle tube station at around 2.30pm on Thursday - one wearing underpants and the other in the nude.
They cross at the traffic lights before the one in his pants takes a running jump at a cyclist and knocks them off.
Guy Stafford-Taylor, who recorded the clip, can be heard letting out a slight laugh in shock at what he had just witnessed.
Mr Stafford-Taylor said he had begun filming the pair after he noticed they were naked and they were 'shouting and causing a scene'.
After they knocked the cyclist off their bike, he pulled over and checked to see if the rider was ok.
He said: 'Once I started driving again I saw them walking down the road and now both were naked.
'They were pushing people and rushing towards people in the bus stops.
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