We'll take a look at a recent article by scholar and translator Bhikkhu Bodhi on the meaning of "Buddha" and his related realization. Some recent scholars have argued that it should be termed "awakening" and Buddha should therefore be understood as "the Awakened One". Bhikkhu Bodhi prefers a different option. We'll see why.
Note: a recent article by Bhikkhu Anālayo calls Bhikkhu Bodhi's translation of this term into question. I plan to do a follow-up video later on looking at Anālayo's response.
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✅ Video mentioned:
Gauging Progress on the Buddhist Path: The Traditional Four Stages — https://youtu.be/kUW5hBGoG8U
✅ Suttas mentioned:
https://suttacentral.net/mn4/en/bodhi (Appears at 4.34)
✅ Articles mentioned:
Bhikkhu Bodhi, “On Translating ‘Buddha’” JOCBS 2020 (19). https://www.academia.edu/44864912/On_Translating_Buddha_
“In Defense of ‘Enlightenment’” Tricycle Magazine https://tricycle.org/magazine/enlightenment-vs-awakening/
✅ Book mentioned:
Carl Sagan, The Demon Haunted World, Science as a Candle in the Dark — https://amzn.to/3yGFLgy
00:00 Intro to the dispute
05:17 1. English definitions of the terms
07:48 2. Looking at Pāli usage
08:56 3. Early metaphors and similes
14:08 A hidden irony or contradiction
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