(Up-to-date)Splitgate: Optimal Controller Layout

(Up-to-date)Splitgate: Optimal Controller Layout

Brief Essay on a good layout for none paddle controllers on console. Racer Layout, Auto Sprint On, Sprint Crosshairs Off, Sprint HOLD.
To summarize these controls provide you with:
1. Increased Jump/Jetback Maneuverability
2. Ability to Aim with Maneuvering Jetpacks
3. Increase overall movement. Auto-Sprint, less stick drift, and no reason to not be sprinting anyways.
4. Intuitive portal buttons. Portal buttons will take some getting used to but its the best layout out all the others, to stay moving and aiming.
5. Customization to preference to iron out any wrinkles left.

Music: https://soundcloud.com/user-205374881

Just here with a short and sweet video on this relatively new F2P arena shooter, Splitgate, specifically on what controls I consider to be the best or most optimal. And it actually doesn't take much customization as you'll soon see.

So, this game plays 80% like halo honestly. Veteran halo players will easily enter what I call Halo Mode, where you tunnel vision into the arena, strafe shooting like the good ol' days, only without dependable grenades. That's where going Halo Mode can often be detrimental when u are going up against a squad of sweaty fucks that know how to use the 20% that remains of the gameplay I mentioned earlier. PORTALS, without nades, the portals ascend you. You become a 4th dimensional being with these fucking shits and its annoying as hell.

To get the most of the controller setup, I recommend the RACER button layout, with auto-sprint ON, sprint crosshairs OFF.

Coming from other shooters this can get kinda difficult to get used to, but thats where firing range and private servers comes in. This game is honestly more complete than Apex in that regard, anyways, L3 and R3 become portal buttons. This change will take some getting use to if you aren't accustom to auto-sprint.

While on the topic of auto-sprint, X or A, depending on the console, has been assigned to toggling sprint. Auto sprint makes this useless. In fact there is a bug that makes it so u cant toggle it back on after pressing it without stopping, moving back a little and moving forward again. If you find yourself pressing this too much, switch it to HOLD, and the button becomes even more useless, but less annoying. Thats my only gripe with this layout but its minuscule, just don't press it, and we will wait and hope for a patch. Or remap it to anything else.

Jump is L1 on PS4 or LB on XBox, this is a game changer, jumping and jetpacking while being able to aim has alot of potential. That said it will take alot of practice. Additionally maneuvering with the jetpack will be improved with this layout.

R1 or RB is melee, you can change it to Circle or B, thats your preference.
And everything else is relatively the same.
Encourage using practice range and private servers to get the layout some time in the brain oven and you'll be golden.


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