Top 10 Hacks to Get You Out of Bed & Back in the Office

Top 10 Hacks to Get You Out of Bed & Back in the Office

After working from home for the last year and half, it may prove difficult to get yourself out of bed and commuting back onsite to an office, or worse...a SCIF with no windows. Especially if you're one of those employees that like to hit the snooze button, utilize these top 10 tips to get you out of bed and back in to the office successfully.

1. Start your day with the smallest task possible.
2. Use a positive mantra or make your internal dialogue a little happier.
3. Make things easier for yourself.
4. Block distractions for the first hour while you get up to speed.
5. Ask for the support you need from your partner, friends or family.
6. Get over the stress of re-engaging by talking to coworkers.
7. Be of service to someone else at work.
8. Give yourself a break!
9. Remember why you’re working in the first place.
10. Find the hole you can plug yourself into to be a team player.

Practice gratitude and self-care as you transition back to the office. We are all human and it may feel difficult to change up the routine yet again. Ultimately, do what’s best for your working style to get back into the swing of things.

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