In about 1938 wife of Masonic Mystic Manly P. Hall, Marie Bauer Hall supposed there was a hidden vault containing the papers of Sir Francis Bacon hidden in the Bruton Parish Church of Williamsburg Virginia. Part of her theory was that a distant cousin of Sir Francis Bacon's named Nathaniel Bacon had brought these papers to the Virginia Colony in 1674. In reality it may be Nathaniel Bacon we should be paying attention to in this story. See here how the real secret of the Bruton Vault involves how Nathaniel Bacon had a huge impact on Virginia and American history via the Revolt he commanded. What Nathaniel Bacon did and wrote would go on to later inspire many of the Founding Fathers of the United States in their quest for Independence. Thomas Jefferson has some interesting links to this story and indeed the earlier Elizabethan era of England and the circle of people involved in producing the plays of Shakespeare.