SkyRidge - The Makers Series: Outdoor

SkyRidge - The Makers Series: Outdoor

The Vision for SkyRidge’s outdoors

Welcome to Part II of our Makers’ Series – the next in a collection of short videos introducing you to the team behind SkyRidge.

Nature, the environment, parklands and preserved habitats are all at the very heart of everything that makes SkyRidge so unique and special. That is why we thought you’d like to hear from those who are guiding our vision to create inspirational open air spaces and parklands that are truly extraordinary.

In this second episode, we meet the outdoors team of Landscape Architect Tim Cross, Project Director Chris Alston, and Urban Play Design Director, Ben Urban. Together, they reveal how SkyRidge’s parks and nature reserves will become destinations in their own right, with contemporary playgrounds for all ages, community event venues, exercise destinations, family friendly spaces, many with stunning coastal views. As well as quiet pockets for peace and reflection, surrounded by the beauty and sounds of nature.

Creating a community with many opportunities for leading an active and healthy lifestyle, whilst preserving and respecting nature is a fundamental component of the SkyRidge vision and an outcome which our Makers are committed to achieving.



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