Roblox Piggy Book 2 Chapter 11 is finally out and the map is called Camp. In the ending cutscene we finally get to see Tigry and Willow face off in an epic battle! In this animation, we see what happens after the chapter 11 ending cutscene. The player is trapped and Shadow Penny is behind the door. Willow and Tigry must put aside their differences to help rescue the player. They eventually make it over the fallen pipes, but things don't go to plan!
Book 2 Chapter 11 is my favourite chapter so far. The map is well made, the designs of the bots and secret skin are great, the new game mechanics such as the rope swing and mortar are really fun and the cutscene and music tie them all together brilliantly. We also get to see Pony finally confess his sins in an alternate version of the cutscene and it shocks everyone! With just one final chapter to go in the Piggy series, what do you guys think will happen in Piggy Book 2 Chapter 12?
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