Onam is a cultural festival celebrated in Kerala, India. It is also a harvest festival, and falls on the 22nd nakshatra Thiruvonam in the Malayalam calendar month of Chingam. On Onam, the floral carpet, known as pookalam is made out of the gathered blossoms with several varieties of flowers of differing tints pinched up into little pieces to design and decorate patterns on the floor, particularly at entrance like a flower mat. Lamps are arranged in the middle or edges.
In this video I have shown How to draw onam pookalam | 5 onam pookalam design outline| 5 onam pookalam design outlines | 5 onam pookalam designs outline | step by step simple pookalam design | onam pookalam drawing |how to draw Very simple and Easy step by step Onam Pookalam designs | Poo kolam | Apartment Athapookalam | How to draw simple Atha pookalam | Very Easy step by step Onam Pookalam designs | Poo kolam designs