can't believe we've been in lockdown for almost 4 months now.. my days are very much a blur these days and I sometimes feel like i'm just floating around, living but not really. aaand i've come to a term with myself that that's okay. i'm healthy and alive, that's enough! life isn't a competition of productivity. if you're feeling down, know that we're all in this together. sending you virtual hugsss ♥
where to find me:
instagram @christinetaaay
tiktok @christinetaaay
e-mail for business only: christinetay98@gmail.com
Citrus Avenue - Julia's Toes - https://thmatc.co/?l=08AFFBAB
efenstefan - No Ragrets (feat. Budda) - https://thmatc.co/?l=10D5E2AD
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quarantinequarantine vloglockdown diaries