Girl Defined Wants You To Gaslight Yourself

Girl Defined Wants You To Gaslight Yourself

Today’s video is about Girl Defined. Rather than doing a traditional response video, I’ll be trying to discuss Kristen and Bethany’s ideas in the form of a Socratic dialogue. I’m going to be referencing a specific video of theirs called “Does God Want Me to Embrace My TRUE SELF?” I’ll be presenting the argument that, yeah, God (or the universe, or some amorphous divine energy) does want you to embrace your true self - why else would you have been made the way you are?

I didn’t want to do a debate style video where I debunk every little point they make, which would likely have been over an hour long. As I was working on my script, I realized it could be interesting to imagine two possible versions of myself having a conversation with each other after having diverged greatly from a once shared path. The two characters are pink glasses me and regular glasses me. The me with the pink glasses and shaggy bangs represents more or less who I am today, with some minor differences. The me with the regular glasses and hair pulled back in a headband represents a version of myself - the person I might have grown into had I not gone on a deconstruction journey, had I not left the church. She’s intended to align with some of the audience of Girl Defined, though she’s much more open to hearing out alternate perspectives than the Girl Defined creators themselves.


This video references an article called Jeremiah’s Teaching of the Trees by Andrea L. Weiss, a Rabbi published on

I was inspired by another YouTuber’s Socratic dialogue video that I watched recently. Her channel is called Mainely Mandy, and her video was a dialogue between a “good” fat person and a “bad” fat person in the eyes of society. She used a shot reverse shot technique to create the illusion that her two selves were talking to each other, and I thought it was a great idea for a way to play two characters without having to greatly up my production.

#GirlDefined #ChristianGirl #ProgressiveChristianity #Deconstruction


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