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Music -Golet's slaves - Filmora music, Hydra, Eureka by Huma Huma, Youtube Audio Library,earthquake 1999 Izmit_eart2 cc.jpg
Ambient Ambulance by Jingle Punks, Marianas,
Youtube Audio Library
- Eureka - Huma-Huma (No Copyright Music) Youtube Music Library
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The Real MLordandGod
e-mail: caroldunton035@gmail.com
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Europe could Freeze Over as Scientists Warn Atlantic Ocean Current On Brink of Collapse!
Links -
1) https://www.express.co.uk/news/science/1473235/europe-freeze-over-atlantic-ocean-system-collapse-gulf-stream-amoc-scn
2) Thumbnail image - gulf stream R. Curry, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution,Science,USGCRP.jpg